Sibuya Urban Sushi Bar

Calle Albareda, 10, 41001 Sevilla
Maria jose romero

About this restaurant


Sibuya Sushi Bar is that “peaceful place” where you can go to disconnect. Delicious sushi, attention to detail and quality and a unique chill atmosphere that will make your visit to our restaurant recharge your batteries and make it much easier to reconnect with the world out there.

En Sibuya, as well as providing innovative and appetizing sushi, one of our fundamental requirements is that our ingredients always be of the first quality. This makes the experience and flavor of our dishes unmatched..

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  • Sunday to Thursday from 13:00 a 16:00 a 20:00 a 23:15 h.
    Friday and Saturday of 13:00 a 24:00 h.

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