Bernina gate Featured

Acera del Casino Street, 17, 18001 Granada

About this restaurant


15 of the best pastry chefs in Granada work every day in our Santa Fé bakery, where all the sweets that we offer in our cafeterias and points of sale are made.

In the selection of our menu we bring together the most traditional and classic pastry recipes. Essential cakes and cakes such as the famous Granada pionono or the delicious petisús.
In addition to maintaining the tradition, we are constantly innovating, improving our
letter with new recipes, own or inspired by European pastries.

Our pastries are totally handmade, of a lifetime. We elaborate
our products with fresh and natural ingredients. Palmeras, swiss, napolitanas, cakes ...
We are committed to quality and flavor as always. Freshly made products, daily, from our workshop to the cafeteria, we do not work with preservatives and colorants.

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  • Monday to Friday: 7.30-21.00
    Saturdays and Sundays: 8.00-21.00

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