Papadam_s Tandoor Featured

Cristo de Medinacelli Street, 4 under 18002 Granada

About this restaurant


Indian cuisine restaurant, we also offer halal food, vegan, vegetarian, without gluten, Children's menu.
We have tapas with the drink, breakfasts, brunch on Saturdays and a long table on Fridays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons with coffee, cups and sweets.

We have home delivery to Granada capital and to a large part of the nearby towns, as well as the food collection service in
Our restaurant.
In Almuñécar, in Reina Sofia walk 8 tenemos otro restaurante para que puedan disfrutar de nuestra cocina si algún día están de paseo por la costa granadina.

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  • De Lunes a Jueves y Domingos de 13:00 a 16:00 h. and of 19:30 a 23:30 h.
    Viernes y Sábados de 13:00 a 16:00 Y 20:00 a 23:30 h.

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