La Cantina by sed from Mexico

Rodrigo Caro Street, Pl. of the alliance, 41004 Sevilla
Maria jose romero

About this restaurant


In the center of Seville, very close to the hustle and bustle of the most tourist and commercial areas, a unique corner hides, in the Plaza de la Alianza, under the shade and the smell of orange trees, with the whisper of water from a fountain and the Giralda framing the views. A place to delight the palate and the senses in an authentic Mexican canteen, of careful details and bar music to get carried away to the heart of Mexico.

A place of union in every way; of the shared history of Spain and Mexico, of traditions made one, of the cantinas created by Spaniards in the last century to enjoy their traditional cuisine and friends after work, the one with the recipes so common on both sides of the pond… The one with the return of the canteen, from the heart of Mexico, in the heart of Seville.

Where to pamper the palate, Or what is the same, mimarlo, take care of it… through dishes with great flavor, with recipes from our grandmothers inherited for generations, smells of family cooking and a lot of closeness, without forgetting at any time the care of detail and high quality both in the service and in the preparation of the dishes.

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  • Monday to Sunday from 12.30 a 02.00.

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