The Alfalfa Winery

C / Alfalfa, 4 41003 Sevilla
Maria jose romero

About this restaurant


The winery has become a meeting place Elegant, warm and welcoming in the heart of the Alfalfa. Its setting, its extensive wine list and its varied tapas, among which the "duck bonbon" stands out, are the keys to your success.

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  • Monday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Tuesday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Wednesday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Thursday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Friday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Saturday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00 Sunday 12:30–16:30, 20:00–24:00

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