Third change

C. Virgin of the Robledo, 53, 41450 Constantina, Sevilla
Maria jose romero

About this restaurant


Take advantage of all those rich products that the land of Constantine gives but presents it with a twist, giving rise to dishes like baked wild boar ham with chestnuts or the mushrooms stuffed with venison chorizo. A good way to surprise the diner without forgetting the delicacies of the area: the Bushmeat, las mushrooms, los asparagus Y, of course, everything he gives Iberian pig.

This originality in the kitchen can be tasted both in tapas and in dishes. As the occasion advises, Cambio de Tercio has a bar area and behind it a quieter room with direct access from the side street.

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  • Monday to Sunday 9:00–24:00 Tuesday closed

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