Bodega Antonio Romero Featured

Antonio Diaz Street 19, 41001 Sevilla

About this restaurant


“We put the flavor, you the company”. I would like to tell you that we have more than 20 years serving in our warehouses. Exactly, since 1994. I would like to tell you how many friends, both from Seville and from other places, that we have done in more than two decades of work and effort. I would like to tell you about the satisfaction you feel when our customers, They congratulate us on one of the wonders that, thanks to Doña María José, come out of our stoves. I would like to tell you, also, how good it feels to be surrounded by qualified staff, attentive, expert and, above all, good people.

Bodeguita Antonio Romero Origen has 2 locations larger than the one located in Antonio Díaz,19. One of those locations is down the street at number 5; the other bodeguita is in calle Arfe 32.

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  • Mars to Sunday 12.00 a 00.00.
    Closed Monday

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