Aisushi Featured

Arabial Street, 54, 18004 Granada

About this restaurant


From aisushi restaurant we propose you to taste our exquisite dishes of Japanese cuisine. Product quality, presentation and service are our hallmarks

We put at the disposal of our clients our premises in Arbial street 54, easy access, with a careful and cozy atmosphere where you can enjoy our cuisine.

Our clients will be able to taste a wide variety of dishes: sushi, tempuras, meats, soups, salads and exquisite desserts. All of this made with top quality raw material, with an excellent presentation, and served in a cozy atmosphere with Japanese decor.

Our kitchen:

In our restaurants, based on a first quality raw material, we prepare an extensive menu of traditional Japanese cuisine. From sushi, sashimis, tatakis and salads, an extensive range of rice, even our hot dishes that include tempuras, yakiudones and yakisobas and meats. The careful presentation and excellence in service together with the quality of the preparation and raw materials will make your gastronomic experience unique.

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  • Monday to Sunday from 13:00 a 16:00 h. and of 19:30 a 23:30 h.

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